Academy Honor Code
Always be honest about my work and behavior
Use my own words. I will not copy words and thoughts from other sources, including the Internet, without giving credit to the source, when writing a report.
Write my own words, in my own handwriting, and will not copy from someone else’s work, when doing homework, although I may receive help from my parents, a tutor, or other students.
Do the reading for myself and strive to understand if for myself.
Not use “study aids” such as Cliff’s Notes, Spark’s Notes or other materials, nor will I watch a movie/video version of a work of literature during a study of it in school.
Not look at other students’ answers, or use other materials unless given permission by the teacher, when taking a test.
Not provide answers of assistance to anyone else, when taking a test.
Not give another student the answers, but will help them to better understand the assignments, when helping them with their homework.
Not do anything that will prevent someone else from learning, because I believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn.